Wednesday 19 June 2013

Cake in a mug Recipe

I love cake so when one of my flat mates found this recipe to make a cake in a mug in just under 5 minutes we had to try it out!

What you will need:
4tbsp. flour
4tbsp. sugar
2tbsp. cocoa powder
1 egg
3tbsp. milk
3tbsp. oil 
A splash of vanilla extract
1 large Coffee Mug 
3 tablespoons of chocolate chips (these are optional)

How to make it:
Add all of the ingredients into the mug and mix well
Add the egg and mix throughly 
Pour in the oil and milk - mix well
Add the chocolate chips (if you are using them) and vanilla extract - mix again

Put the mug into the microwave for 3minutes at 1000watts (high) 

Then you should get something like this as the end product!

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